via Huffington Post
President Barack Obama led the crowd at Rev. Clementa Pinckney’s funeral in a stirring rendition of “Amazing Grace” Friday.
At the end of his impassioned eulogy for Pinckney, one of the nine people shot and killed at Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church last week, Obama broke into the hymn.
“If we can find that grace, anything is possible. If we can tap that grace, everything could change. Amazing grace,” he said before beginning to sing.
As the crowd joined him in song, Obama named the shooting victims.
“Clementa Pinckney found that grace. Cynthia Hurd found that grace. Susie Jackson found that grace. Ethel Lance found that grace. DePayne Middleton-Doctor that grace. Tywanza Sanders found that grace. Daniel L. Simmons Sr. found that grace. Sharonda Singleton found that grace. Myra Thompson found that grace,” he said. “Through the example of their lives, they’ve now passed it on to us. May we find ourselves worthy of that precious and extraordinary gift as long as our lives endure. May grace now lead them home. May God continue to shed his grace on the United States of America.”
video courtesy of NYTimes