and dare act, they get suspended and expelled in droves. You saw it at Kenyatta University after March 4.
So you find young people at the university who can’t join any cause. Can’t raise their voices. Can’t stand up for themselves. Why? Because not only do they lack the ideological core and intellectual discipline to ‘stand their ground’, they are also fearful and frightened and timid – containers!
SEE ALSO: GarissaAttack: Here Is The Photo One Of The Terrorists Took With Mike Sonko That Has Gone Viral
That’s why you find in some universities the watchmen is more powerful than the student.
I’m not saying students should disobey authority but each must question authority.
Female students must start to avoid the freebies of being female. They must get out of their gendered ignorance. Times are uncertain and so female students must not just know their ‘beb’. How did so many female students believe that terrorists would spare them? Didn’t they know that these people – the terrorists – also have the promise of 72 virgins?
Finally, I urge students, both male and female, to be abreast with contemporary social forces at play. Students must be proactive in questioning capitalism and its other variants – corporatism, elite greed, financialization, military-industrial complexes, media-industrial complexes, white-savior industrial complexes, etc etc.
Which university in this country has a centre, or institute for terrorism studies? In this country our experience with terrorism, if we aren’t victims, we are just observers , just standers-by.
SEE ALSO: It Is Not Al Shabaab! Ahmednassir Abdullahi Names People Behind Garissa Attack. See His Tweets
We see victims of terrorists, and killed terrorists as propagated by the media. The problem with the Kenyan media is that it covers terrorism according to who pays. Whoever pays determine who is to be blamed for it. We know nothing about terrorism as an ideology. We have no ‘safety guide’ to tell us what to do when terror strikes so we turn for our usual culprits – so and so.
Be all these as they may, female students should be interested in knowing something beyond CU, and movie series and books and s** and fashion and weaves and wigs and shoes.
To be disinterested in what’s going on now is to be careless with your life.
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Via Kenya Today